Product of science and technology are every were being used in our modern world. Electricity and automobile, Aircraft, Compact, telephone radio, television, generator and machinery for production and modern scientific medical processes for diagnosis and treatment of diseases, infections of illnesses. America, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Korea, China, Japan are developed or infarct industrialized because they have benefited from the fruits of science and technology is one of the areas were our modern world differs from the ancient peoples.
Science and technology which dove this into each other are existential tools for rapid development in our present societies. This explains while countries which have high Caliban science develop materials than those that lack or have an insignificant or ineffective personnel.
But what is science? It is the systematic study of nature and its law under physios, Chemistry and biology and other semi science subjects. and technology id the practical applications of scientific knowledge or inventions to the solving everyday problems or facilitating hitherto tedious human activities. Africa and Nigeria in particulate are largely underdeveloped because science and technology are not being accorded their rightful place and priority in the scheme of things.
science cause are under founded and even graduates in the fields are either not utilized or underutilized and unappreciated. if Nigeria want to be developed in all facts of modern life, we must give science ample entreating. It is the key to development.
scientists have succeed in getting vaccines or chemical substance which can be injected into persons body to act as protection against disease. without much ado, immunization is a scientific means of making people particularly children resist deadly or killer decease.
About fifteen years ago, a lot of infants who were not vaccinated or immunized died as a result of the attacker of Whooping cough measles, diphtheria, chicken pox and small pox.In Abia state origin ,survivals are those whose parent took nice decision and to inoculate.
Immunization saves all parents from losing their children prematurely, most parents who did all they could to thwart the altruistic efforts of the health officials,who pleaded with them to bring their children for inoculation lives to regret their actions A society whose young population is seriously threatened by wide spread and unchecked killer diseases dieases for so many reason .Thus,Through science and technology, Our ministry of health has tremendously saved us from huge suns gf money being spent on herbalists and fruitless hunting tor so-called witches that are behind our infant deaths
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