A drug is a combination of medical chemicals or substances formulated and prepared by chemist-and pharmacist for the treatment or cause of different illnesses under the recommendation and supervision of medical doctors. drugs are many diverse in their simplicity and strength. there are drugs that people can walk into a drug store (chemist shop) and by for use when attacked by minor illness. the commonest of this drug as the analgesics Pandora, A spring, pen-go, Daga, phensic and other like cough syrup vitamin c and so on and so forth. But anti bioethics capsules, poisons tranquilizers, India hemp, coca in, heroin and many more are not supposed to be taken without a doctor proscription or in his absence a pharmacist's recommendation.
The dangers of self medication are very many and even common knowledge. the prevalence of drug abuse causes can be seen in more mental psychiatric cases. some young people simply take hard drugs just because they want to be high. cases abound of people loosing their live because of self prescription and wrong usage of drugs. continual use of hard drugs leads to the production of maladjusted citizens.
If we have to seriously what our medical experts in various specialist hospital are saying daily. drug abuse is one of the major cases of rampant traffic accidents on our high ways. some drivers take cleaner capsule, cannabis which derail their senses. families and society suffer from looses in this connection. the prevalence of an improper consumption of hard drugs is behind the increasing rate of armed ba cy syndrome (AIDS) in some people. This means that wrongly used drugs can dis-try nation immune system that guides one against certain infections. Drug abuse is a key contributor to the humiliation of Nigerian citizens and our national officials and in foreign countries who are subjected to scandalous search and scrutiny.
At times dogs are used to scrutinize people. this destroy our international image and reputation. anti-drug abuse campaigning should be stamped up by the government and privet citizens the youth must be well invited on all the possible dangers of using drugs wrongly. security effort to dictate and apprehend all illegal importers and users of hard drugs must be perfected. religious organization must contribute to building a drug free society. It concerns us equally.
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